9.25.22 This week in Unit 1 of my STEAM class called population, we learned about many different animals and how scientists use the defining characteristics, and taxonomy (studying living organisms to classify them in different categories to study further and identify) to identify and categorize organisms. We also learned about elements of a set which is any collection or group of objects which may be mathematical (In our case it was not mathematical but instead about organisms and their taxonomy) . For our first action project we had to pick an animal and research its characteristics and taxonomy. Additionally, we were assigned to create a collage representing those characteristics. We next had to compare each other's organisms to one another to create a Venn diagram comparing their features. For the math portion, we had to come up with 5 math statements about our animal using the sets and elements we learned. I decided to research the Serval (L. Serval). Here is my table on the c...