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Beagle but not that beagle - character profile

 Today my class finished up the first action projects of  our sophomore year!  We have begun the first week of our Humanities core class: Stories.  Since we had little under a week to learn about and complete this 'trial AP' we focused mainly on a mini-unit that involved mythological creatures and their symbolism. On Wednesday August 31st we took a trip to the Poetry Museum where we explored the Monica Ong exhibit.  We visited this exhibit to try and elicit some inspiration for the project.  Monica Ong had unique ways of portraying her poetry and artistry.  She used things like tarot cards and a 'viewmaster' to display her work.  Unfortunately due to lack of time I was not able to implement any of the ideas this trip provoked... Perhaps in a future AP or FP something inspired by this visit may still  come around.  Our project was to create a mythological creature of our own that symbolizes positive change in one of the sustainable development goals (SDG’s).  My mythological creature was the Beagle. A bee with eagle wings.  The Beagle was thought up to represent SDG 7 - sustainable access to energy.  Here’s my creature profile of The Beagle.  Hope you enjoy!

'Beagle' ER - 9.2.22

What is the Beagle?

The giant Beagle is not what you think it is. It is not a giant floppy eared good doggy. It is a mythological creature largely credited with bringing light to the world. It appears to be a huge bee mixed with an eagle.

Characteristics of the Giant Beagle


The Giant Beagle mostly appears to be a giant bumble bee the size of a modern SUV (approximately 15 feet in length and has a 16.5 feet wingspan). Instead of bee wings the Giant Beagle has large powerful eagle wings. It also sporadically has feathers throughout its fuzzy body. It has the iconic black and yellow color with distinct coal black eyes. Feathers on the beagles coat and wings are a chocolatey brown.


The Giant Beagle is a good natured and docile creature. The beagle simply loves warm sunny days and belly rubs. Be wary though it is said that if provoked the Giant Beagle may occasionally summon the wrath of the sun god Ra and smite you. After which it will calmly go back to minding its own business (short attention span).

Abilities + Beagle lore:

The Giant Beagle is graced by the touch of the sun god Ra. The Beagle absorbs excess energy around large cities or through the sun and displaces it in places in need. The Beagle can store the energy as thermal energy in its fuzzy hairs like a normal bee does with pollen in a flower. The giant beagle pollinates the rest of the unpowered world with affordable, reliable and sustainable energy. This is how the beagle helps In modern times you can see his trail and the places he has graced with energy through the power lines he leaves behind him. The ancient people believed it was God given infrastructure. Praise bee.

Culture of origin:

Historically it was believed by Egyptians that bees were created from the tears of Ra the sun god. As much of ancient Egyptian culture began to be lost to time Ra created one more creature to continue lighting up the globe far into the future. Thanks to the Beagle Ra's light continues to spread across the world.

End note:

 After completing this short AP I made some notable observations.  First, we have only been in school for less than a week so there wasn't much of a proper unit to learn about.  This in my opinion somehow made this action project one of the more engaging AP's.  It gave me more room for my own creative implements, and since we had more than enough time in just this short week to absorb the small amount of info; it gave me more of a chance to digest the topics and turn it into a good AP.  I learned a lot about what goes into writing a narrative for a mythological character profile.  One struggle for me with this one was lack of structure.  While towards the end the freeform style allowed for more creativity,  in the beginning it left me struggling to start.  Regardless I've made many discoveries, and had fun drawing as well. Thanks for reading!


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