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Showing posts from February, 2023

Buenos Aires Matching Game

           In this term of our Spanish 2 class we've been learning about how to use direct and indirect object pronouns in sentences.  We can use these types of pronouns to refer to something without directly using it's name.  With this new info we can now use sentences like: es el favorito de mi papá. él se lo comerá. which mean's 'That's my dad's favorite. He will eat it.'  This concept is important because it makes it so we don't have to keep saying the persons' name after it's already been established.  Aside from this, we also learned to use and conjugate -er, -ar, and -ir verbs in the present tense and present progressive.  We took these concepts and made it into a little matching game or 'Juego de Pareo'.  We made the matching game based on sights and activities from Buenos Aires, Argentina. On top of this we included vocabulary of common neighborhood spots such as churches, banks, schools, libraries, and bookstores. Lastly, we ne

Dermatillomania & Me

               As we entered Unit 2 of our disease class we turned a corner and switched from learning about body systems to focus on the brain, and more specifically the illnesses that might plague it. Our unit began with us exploring brain waves. Before we could talk about mental illness we had to carefully consider the way our brain works. Our brain uses electricity to communicate signals between neurons. We call these electric signals brainwaves. Did you know we experience different types of brainwaves depending on the task we are doing? For instance when concentrating or learning we use ‘beta waves’ and when in ‘Theta waves’ you are in a dreaming or flow state.                The next thing we explored was autism. We explored everything from what autism might look like to how an autistic person might view the world. It was interesting to learn what life is like for these individuals, and one major takeaway from that lesson is that the way autistic people think isn't w