This unit in our core class ’Who Am I’ we learned about doubt and dream. We talked about the meaning of dreams and how in many lines of work you have to deal with doubt especially when considering the risk involved. We learned about Freud and the surrealist art movement. We also picked up new psychology and surrealist vocabulary like the Id, ego and superego to better understand the way we dream and the way we think. We talked to a few people with some more experience on the matter. First we spoke to pastor Matt Fitzgerald who talked to us about doubt and how we can better interact with those around us. Then we spoke to Jason Bender a black belt in Jiu Jitsu who taught us to mitigate risk and doubt by learning to protect ourselves better in a corporeal sense. On the flip side of this we lastly talked to financial planner Andrew Lisi who explained how the best way to decrease doubt and risk is to diversify or spread out the risk. Lastly we wrapped up the unit by learning about the Oj...