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Showing posts from October, 2022

Beary Bad Corporate Exploitation

          These past few weeks in unit 2 of our Humanities course called stories we have been learning about the intricacies of fables. During this time we learned about the use of anthropomorphism, and dissected its use in various texts and film. Some things we dissected for this include Roald Dahl’s ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’, The Panchatantra from India, and Aesop's fables. Lastly we talked about different types of characters like static or dynamic, and symbolism in these stories. We went in depth on the utilization of all these things so that at the apex of our unit we could adapt them to our own Fables to teach a moral. My fable is about Mr. Bear who wants to repair his family name at all costs. I loved writing this story, and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did.                                                ...

The Cat Walk

This second unit of our population class was rather uneventful as far as FE experiences so we stayed in and watched the Martian to see how one may adapt to an unlikely environment. We saw the main character survive the desolate rock of Mars.  We then learned a lot about data sets and ways to organize and visualize them. We even learned the difference between combination and permutation which we implemented in our action projects.  This action project was on picking an animal and changing something about its natural environment. Also we adapted what we learned this unit to a dataset related to the creature of our choice. Lifespan of serval dataset A- 19 B- 19 C- 19 D- 6 E- 16 F- 12 G- 20 H- 18 I- 18 J- 17 K- 2 L- 8 M- 16 2, 6, 8, 12, 16, 16, 17, 18, 18 19,19,19,20 Maximum: 20 Minimum: 2 Range: 18 Mean: 174.941176 Median: 16 Mode: 19 Box and Whisker Plot: The Box and Whisker Plot is a helpful graph that shows how the data is distributed. You will find that this plot is very comp...

Conversion and Immersion

  For this action project we had to create two different codes to help you with STEAM and Humanities courses.  For my my action project I coded my own 'US to EU Conversion Pack', and an Animal Trait Picker.  For the first one I made an 'If Then' code that gives you options of which conversion you need help with.  The second one picks random traits for an animal.  It allows you to simulate an animal and use it to practice deciphering between dominant and recessive traits in animals. (We worked on this in our humanities class called 'Population') Here's the US to EU conversion pack: Here's the Animal Trait Picker: Conclusion: This project was certainly a difficult one as far as exploring and adapting new python concepts.  On one hand I enjoyed thinking up cool uses for python, and actually seeing them come to life and function. On the other I experienced the excruciating struggles that all coders suffer from; such as the code not working because you m...