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The Cat Walk

This second unit of our population class was rather uneventful as far as FE experiences so we stayed in and watched the Martian to see how one may adapt to an unlikely environment. We saw the main character survive the desolate rock of Mars.  We then learned a lot about data sets and ways to organize and visualize them. We even learned the difference between combination and permutation which we implemented in our action projects.  This action project was on picking an animal and changing something about its natural environment. Also we adapted what we learned this unit to a dataset related to the creature of our choice.

Lifespan of serval dataset

A- 19

B- 19

C- 19

D- 6

E- 16

F- 12

G- 20

H- 18

I- 18

J- 17

K- 2

L- 8

M- 16

2, 6, 8, 12, 16, 16, 17, 18, 18 19,19,19,20

Maximum: 20 Minimum: 2 Range: 18

Mean: 174.941176 Median: 16 Mode: 19

Box and Whisker Plot: The Box and Whisker Plot is a helpful graph that shows how the data is distributed. You will find that this plot is very compact which is due to the very high range.

Serval that normally lives in hotter wetter climates is moved into a savannah with less rainfall than its normal habitat

Box and Whisker Plot: The Box and Whisker Plot is a helpful graph that shows how the data is distributed.

Combination vs Permutation: Combination and Permutation is the way that a set is arranged. Permutation means the order of the chosen set matters and combination means the order does not matter. For my combination and permutation problem I referenced the 3 animals I chose for my last AP against the 48 total animals chosen by the class. By using the combination method I figured out how many possible choices I could have made with these animals. In contrast to this I used the combination method because the order in which I choose the animals doesn’t matter.

                                                Standard deviation of serval lifespan dataset










































159.0121 + 74.1321 + 43.6921 + 6.8121 + 1.9321 + 1.9321 + 5.7121 + 11.4921 + 11.4921 + 19.2721 + 19.2721 + 19.2721 + 29.0521 = 403.0773

403.0773/13 = 31.0059461538         √31.0059461538 = 5.5682983176          S = 5.5682983176 or 5.6

Conclusion: I enjoyed this project because it felt like an extension of my last serval action project whish was mostly just a collage of the serval so I got to get more in depth with the creature.  I learned more about traits, adaptability, and the close relatives to the serval.  I had some issues when it came to doing the math on the standard deviation work and implementing the datasets, but once I got the hang of it the concept seemed to flow.

Works cited:

Bruin, Zweer de. “Serval.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 14 Oct. 2009,

Jurvetson, Steve. “Cat Walk.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 3 Oct. 2010,

Jaguar, Tambako The. “A Cute Serval Baby.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 13 Sept. 2014,

Jaguar, Tambako The. Dominik the Serval Walking.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 6 Apr. 2012,   

Jaguar, Tambako The. “Serval Eating Meat (Again).” Flickr, Yahoo!, 19 July 2015,

Jaguar, Tambako The. “Climbing Serval Kitten II.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 27 Oct. 2013,

Jaguar, Tambako The. “Serval Kitten with Mom.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 14 Sept. 2014,

Jurvetson, Steve. “African Serval.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 25 Apr. 2007,

Rigor, Ethan. “Serval Collage” Blogger,

“Category:Leptailurus Serval.” Wikimedia Commons,


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