Welcome to this units AP - the quitapena doll. This unit we worked on topics such as colors, clothes, and new verb conjugations including things like o-ue and i-ie. We also furthered our investigation into Spanish food and culture. This is where the idea for the quitapena doll comes in. The quitapena doll or the "worry doll" is a small handmade doll originating from Guatemala. It's purpose is to give you something to whisper your worries to. In this action project we made our own!

E.R, quick sketch of quitapena doll, 2022
E.R., quitapena doll, 2022
La muneca quitapena lleva una toga roja y zapatos azules y rojos
Juega baloncesto
come tacos
limpia el piso
escribe libros
prefiere dormir
esta cansado, nerviouso. La quitapena no esta cansado y nerviouso.
This project was more fun than the others since most of the time spent on it went towards the making of the quitapena doll meaning I got to do less writing. It was, on the other hand, difficult to do the conjugations we just learned, so I am proud that I was able to get through it.
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