This term in our elective 'Intro to Calculus' class we moved on to learning about the reverse power rule and the antiderivative. It was kind of eye opening and trippy when finding out that the you can get from the derivative and anti derivative and back using the two power rules. It was just simply interesting that they both go into one another in somewhat of a loop. It was difficult following all the different formulas but once you had them memorized somewhat it was quite simple and ingenious. For our action project we were given two numbers that we had to turn into a function of are own. We took that function and graphed it so we could first create an estimate before doing the definate integral formula to get the exact area of our function. Here's how it turned out.
After finishing THE LAST 'Intro to Calculus' AP I feel both relieved and ready for Junior year with a solid foundation in calculus. I feel like the best way to finish off this AP is to explain from my understanding exactly what calculus is: Calculus is a math skill that deals in finding the difference in one point to another through the means of derivatives and anti derivatives. Through this means we can calculate slopes or areas of things that fall out of the scope of regular geometry. I would say this action project took a lot out of me. First of all I feel much more proud of this one than the last one. I feel like I applied myself better and ended up understanding this concept better than I did the last (huge win). I also want to note for future reference that one thing that stuck out to me as difficult was the the estimate portion. I genuinely didnt know I could input it all in at once into Desmos. Over all this was a fun and thought provoking class that really challenged me with all knew math theory. 10/10 would take again.
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